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Three-Lac did not work for me - help!
Lorraine Views: 1,485
Published: 22 y

Three-Lac did not work for me - help!

I'm a 33 year old female and I've been sick for 10 years. I've been on Diflucan off and on as well as probiotics. Although I cheat every once in a while, I have been on a vegetable and lean meat diet and nothing has worked. I have it in my upper body as well. I have it in my throat, lungs etc. I have chronic constipation but anytime I try to take something to help me go to the bathroom, it makes everything worse. I get rashes, extremely nervous (almost paranoid) and many other symptoms. I mean I go to the bathroom real well but my candidia gets extremely bad. I also get extremely bad breath. Three-Lac had that same affect. I got a home colonic kit and use that to go to the bathroom. But....I'm still not well. Can anyone help?


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