I've not found his formulas on this site. I happened to copy them out of the book, SAVE YOUR LIFE, A LAYMAN'S COURSE BY SAM BISER" my guess is Dr. Schulze is in a catch 22 and can not tell us what to do, so Sam being a journalist can.
The beautiful, amazing wonderful thing about Dr. Schulze : He is not a horder of knowledge like the MD's I know. It is available on E-bay, or go to google look up Sam Biser and you should find him there. I am frustrated because I failed to write down the Nerve Tonic formula's you can also order them from this site already made. There are 12 videos and Dr. Schulze put a student? through it all. I would love to do it all just to say I have. Somebody want to do it with me? The incurables program.......LOL