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Re: 3 weeks dieting, no change in symptoms. Why?
ElCid Views: 2,123
Published: 22 y
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Re: 3 weeks dieting, no change in symptoms. Why?

Thank you for your interest, I'm really at a low and feel helpless. Now, here's the deal. I've had hives/swelling for over a year, but about a month ago, after after doing a 4-week Colon Cleanse (Herbal Fiberblend) the hives increased, I start feeling bloated after eating, passing undigested food, getting bad eczema, and having pain when relieving myself. I stopped the colon cleanser and started enzymes and HCI. I was better for a week, but the HCI made the bloating much worse and I got a lump in my throat, so I stopped it.

For the past 3 weeks I've eliminated all types of sugar, fruit, yeast, starch, wheat, vinegar, and anything bleachd, processed or pickled. I eat vegetables, brown rice, meat, and some nuts. No carrots and just a little red-skinned potatoes.

Hope this helps.


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