Hi John,
I posted this message for Mo, but it looks like she hasn't had time to respond yet. You seem knowledgeable about threelac and might be able to answer some questions
Can you explain how the MLM works with this threelac company? I've dealt with other MLMs but they all work a little different. Do you have a quota you need to sell to get your pricing?
I know you have said how much it helped you, but I have felt weary of some of the ingredients. When I did a google search on the ingredients, I found this about one of the ingredients: Streptococcus faecalis, causes many of the same problems as other members of the intestinal flora. On another site: PATHOGENICITY: Normal inhabitant of intestinal tract (105-10 8 CFU's per gram of stool) and female genital tract; occasionally associated with urinary tract infection, bacteremia and bacterial endocarditis These include opportunistic urinary tract infections and wound infections. I wonder why they include that in the product?
Thank you for any information you have on the ingredients.