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is B5 REALLY a cure!?!?
Aaron Views: 3,991
Published: 22 y

is B5 REALLY a cure!?!?

Acne treatments are what ive been doing for the past 6 years hoping my age would finally cure the acne(so far it hasnt). so now i hear B5 is the cure but i dont see how that is possible. after doing some reading i realized all it does is supply your body with more pantothemic acid(your body already produces some) which aids in metabolzing oils... this is why your skin doesnt feel as oily after taking B5.

now a cure is the end all drug or something you might take for 1 week or 1 month of your life and never again. but it appears if you stop taking the B5.. Acne will return just as it does if you stop taking perscription medications. so if B5 is indeed the cure for Acne then why must you still take it for the rest of your life??


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