Im so sick of Acne like naturally everyone else and now that i have finally got it go away for the millionth time... how do i keep it gone?? I have been using all kinds of crap like the creams and the pro active, face masks.. none of them really did crap for me. finally got some minocylene(sp.?) from the doc again for the 3rd time i bet and after the 4th month my Acne has improved 100% as is had the previous times. the problem is that after my perscription runs out... my Acne returns almost worse than it was before. id get it all over my back and on my face so the only way to cure the backne is with oral treatments. i used to get the painful, deep cystic acne too... never had a problem with scars(fortunately) until just recently which is why im afraid if i dont get this under control soon that the next round will look real bad for a looooong time! will i have to take these pills the rest of my life? i feel ill ever grow out of it the way things have been going. none of my friends and roommates have acne so i always feel seperated from them when they can take their shirts off and i cant b/c of my bad complection. please help me! girls gont like acne!!