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Re: Oily skin-SO ANNOYING! What to do!
Erica25 Views: 4,178
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 419,856

Re: Oily skin-SO ANNOYING! What to do!

I agree with Marina, drink lots of water. I too have very oily skin and I notice that with the colder weather it becomes worse. The more water I drink on a daily basis, the better my skin has been. I keep a liter of water with me at all times and keep it filled, sometimes I am taking so many trips to the bathroom that I don't know what to do with myself, but it is worth it.

I also have a close friend who is an esthetician and she swears by facials ever 6 weeks, she does not push product, in fact, I use Purpose soap to clean (CVS $3) and she suggests if you are going to spend $$ get a really good cream, nothing over the counter you should try a local spa. So long as you keep your skin moisterized, it does not have to produce oils.

Good Luck


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