First thanks to all for suggestions to "New here..". Today I went to the organic health food store and found this registered dietician lady who I talked to for about an hour. I told her my problems and she looked at my fingernails and proceeded to tell me(this is my own words) that my liver is clogged with ulcer medication and hormones and other gunk. She said that the placement of my Acne most likely suggests I have a hormone imbalance. She gave me a list of vegetables that I need to juice and eat, flaxseed, recommended Epsom Salts in a bath, drink 8 glasses of water, be in bed by 10 every night(EEEKS) and etc. She refrained from giving me any kind of hormone regulators because she said I need to see a naturopathic doctor and get a hormone test to see what is out of whack then proceed to fix it. I asked her about the liver cleanse and she said yes they were great but unfortunately not for me because my stomach is just too messed up. So a lot of this stuff concurs what you guys all told me. I feel really motivated now to get on this. Thanks for all of the suggestions and motivating me to go to the health food store!!!!