Hey ppl this is my first tiem posting so i hope someone can help...i got a cyst pimple in the winter time near my chin it eventually went down but the skin was BLACK and not very tight one day i was shaving and hit it and cut it open..ever since then it wont heal! i i have aloe veara plants and soemone told me to put the juices from the inside on the cut and that worked for awhile but then under the scar another cyst pimple formed i duno if it was gonan happen anyways our if the aloe vera plant made it do this...now it looks like it cracked the skin and it wont close it keeps bleeding pussing all the time i cant shave to often cuz im so affraid..what should i do? our what can i use that will help seed the healing up and not make me break out in that area?
i dont get lots of Acne but the oes i do get on my face are really large..anyway of preventing them?