Use a gentle shampoo with very little ingredients and shampoo everyday but try not to irritate your scalp in any way including, don't brush your hair unless you have too. Don't use conditioners. Once or twice a week use Nizoral anti dandruff shampoo you can buy at Walmart. Leave it on five minutes before rinsing. Take an Olive Leaf Extract pill a day, again you can buy this at Walmart. Also take a B vitamin with all the B vitamins in it. If it is your body that has it, bath daily using Dove soap and don't use hot water, just warm. Don't pinch any boils or pimples if you can, it will infect the surrounding areas. If you must, warm it with a warm wash rag then genlty expell any pus, then apply a topical anti bacterial lotion on it and leave it alone. Don't scratch if you can. Don't pick your nose with your fingers, folliculitis is often caused by staph which lives in your nose and when you pick your nose, it can spread to wherever to touch yourself. Use tissues instead. Get on a nose anti bacterial spray from your doctor to kill the infection in your nose. I don't personally recommend taking anti bacterial medicines internally but if you have to, don't take them too long at a time so your body wont resist it later. Drink lots of water and give up soda pops. Pray for God to show you what else you can do too! Hope this helps!