Hi Ringergirl! I hope your doing well! I never got any major breakouts since I've been using B5. I just stopped getting
Acne and my pores actually shrunk! I've been on it for several months now and my social life is 1,000 times better! I also drink only distilled water,(no tap water at all) I eat a lot of vegetables, I absolutely drink NO soda pop, try to avoid refined
Sugar as much as possible (no cookies or donuts for me), I don't drink much alcohol, I don't smoke, I don't drink any milk, and I totally avoid caffeine. I eat a lot of chinese food which is a personal favorite of mine but I always request them to cook it without
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) and to add extra garlic. I do eat ocassional red meat (beef and lamb) but mostly I eat chicken, turkey, and shrimp to get my protein. In general I think that
Acne is caused when the body emits toxins from undigested foods and unhealthy ingredients in foods. If you can keep your body detoxified properly then your skin will always look great and you won't get acne. Keep us updated on your experience. Health Freak