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Is Yasmin as successful as Diane 35 (Dianette) for trating acne ????
funnygirl Views: 4,132
Published: 22 y

Is Yasmin as successful as Diane 35 (Dianette) for trating acne ????

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is well this evening.

I have a question for you guys. I took Diane 35 (Dianette) for three years for my skin with amazing results. My skin totally cleared up and I didn't have to be so vigilent about looking after it. It didn't matter if I stayed out all night or slept in my make up, my skin was always pretty good (before it was a nightmare).

Anyway, a four months I was very stressed and felt it was affecting my moods so I decided to come off it. And four months later my skin is starting ot deteriorate rapidly. Basically if I don't want Acne I have to back on dianette. I've heard there is another pill yasmin which is also meant to help your skin (anti-androgen) with out the negative affects.

Can anyone tell me if Yasmin is as successful as Diannette for treating acne. I'd really prefer not to go back on dianette but feel it's the only solution!

Many thanks in advance,



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