Please Help Me! :(
Hi all, I've just found this forum and have been sifting through the messages, it sounds very nasty to say, but it is nice to know that there are other people out there who are going through the same problems as me!
OK, I am a 20 year-old male and I've been getting a good few spots now for about 2 years. I've taken tetracycline and minocycline for my spots, as prescribed by my doctor, but neither seemed to do anything sadly. I don't have
Acne as such, but I usually wake up in the morning and find that I have about 2/3 spots at least. Sometimes I might not have any, but that is very rare.
I have been using the Nivea For Men face wash everday and also using a face scrub as well maybe 3/4 times a week. I find that my skin does get very dry sometimes, so I have tried using the Nivea for Men moisturiser as well.
I try to drink as much water as I can as well, I usually have at least 5 or 6 pints of water a day. However, my spots are still pretty bad, and today I have about 10, which is bad for me! And some hurt as well! The problem is, what I think I have done is before I went to bed last night, I noticed some whiteheads that you couldn't really even see, but I stretched my skin, so then you could see them, but unless you did that, you couldn't see them! I then picked lots of these whiteheads and got them out (or so I thought) but then I woke up this morning and I had about 10 spots on my chin and around my mouth and on my cheeks where I'd picked these whiteheads. For some reason, they were hurting, and I've managed to get the yellow out of most of them, but I have a couple that are not yellow, just red, but that are hurting! Is this usual, i.e. for picking whiteheads and getting the yellow out, you turn them into spots?
Couple this with the fact that I also had a spot on my cheek that was annoying me as it had no head but was hurting. So, my friend told me that a really good trick is to put toothpaste on the spot overnight, as it is actually very good for drying them up. However, I wasn't expecting what I found today! The spot was soooooo dry, its all flaky and scabby and generally horrible!! So this coupled with all those spots I have from picking my whiteheads and it leads me to looking very yukky and feeling so low! And I was supposed to be going out this week, but now I really don't think I am gonna go, I've already made an excuse to my friends for not going, I definitely am not being seen out like this!
I also find that shaving gives me spots. When I shave I wash my face with the Nive for Men facewash and then I use a face scrub to soften the skin. I then shave using an electric razor and then I apply some post-shaving balm, again by Nivea for Men. However, I then find that when I wake up the next day I have spots! :( But what can you do, you can't not shave as that looks awful as well, and anyway, I find not shaving gives me spots so oh well, I guess I am in a viscious circle and doomed to a life of spots!!
Does anyone have any advice on any of what I have said, I really need some help as I am feeling extremely depressed today about this.
Thank you so much for your time. :)