I'v had harmone related acne all my life.Since my first period at 10 yrs old.When I was younger and on birth control pills my skin stayed really good.I'm 51 and post menopause and will not take harmones so am going thru it again.I started taking over the counter harmones from plants and stuff and using a pergesterone
cream{OTC}and when I went for a GYN exam a couple of weeks ago she advised against HRT treatment which I would refuse anyway.I know what u mean that it is usually the other way around but u'r right that it's still harmones.I can only suggest that u try the different natural harmones until u find the combination that works for you.That's what I'm doing.But I have to admit that if I were young enough I would take the BCP just to stop it,with all the dangers.Mine can get so bad with cystic acne that I won't leave the house for weeks.Yours doesn't seem that bad,or is it?A few pimples here and there you can live with but I know if your young it can be devastating.Unbalanced harmones can start at any age.I'm sorry I don't have better advice,Dot.