Clear skin in a week
I have suffered for
Acne for abouth 4 months it was awful!! I dindn't feel like doing anything, I tried everything seriously I tried the oxy pads the
Acne face wash untill I read an article on the internet from a guy that cleared his
Acne in about a week I was so desperate that I tried it.
step 1. I did not eat candy or chocolate or anything that had alot of
Sugar no juices soda nothing.
step 2. I drank about five glasses or more of water including with meals.
step 3. I bought a Zinc supplement
step 4. Most important I used Aloe Propolis creme day and night this cream is the thing that worked I noticed a difference in the second day, my blemishes changed rally red to light red. This product is form FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS seriously if you are suffering like I did consider using this I tried everything and this has helped! used it for 1 week and i cured me i keep on using it till this day.