I remember people telling me that raw cabbage/juice is good for acne. But I was just redaing up info on what food is good or bad for different blood groups. Since my blood group is O+, it seems that cabbage must be avoided - and to think that i have been eating raw cabbage like often...it makes me wonder. Yes my Acne has not completely stopped- i still get a couple new ones....and can't figure the reason.
My Liver Flush has got cleaner- hardly any stones anymore- my diet is so clean- drink lots of water.....wonder what is it that I am doing wrong??
I have nee eating a lot of rie and lentils apart from lots o salad and fruit. And this list about food for blood group also tells me to avoid lentils. That never occured to me. I hope that is not true.That leacves me with practically nothing bu greens and fruits since I am anway a vegetarian/vegan.