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Psyllium vs. Flax???
raymond Views: 544
Published: 21 y

Psyllium vs. Flax???

I have been taking P&B shakes for the past two months. I developed a lump in the back of my throat that felt like a fist when I would take the psyllium. I thought it might be an allergy. I took a break from the psyllium for the past week. The lump went away. I decided to try the P&B again this morning and the lump reappeared immediately after drinking the P&B.

I plan to try to use flax to see if I can take this without the lump in my throat. Does anyone else take flax instead of psyllium? If so, what kind is recommended and how much should be used? Also, would I also use the Bentonite with the flax?

I appreciate any advice on this.




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