Yes!! I cured severe cystic acne...completly! The most impotant thing you can do concerning Acne is supplement with EFA's [Essential Fatty Acids] when I was curing my Acne I was taking Flaxseed Oil 1 tablespoon twice a day & Evening Prirose Oil 1 teaspoon twice a day. Cut out all dairy and dairy by products they just don't mix well with Acne sufferes. Acidophillus is good also but quality varies alot.
Concerning your red marks topically I have good success with Aloe Vera gel not rubbish commercial stuff actuall organic certified Aloe Vera gel with high purity the one used was 99% pure check your health food store...
Also Lecithin is also very beneficial for the skin among alot of other things but ill keep it to acne the best two sources are Lecithin granules and RAW egg yokes not the whites try to get free-range organic eggs which will also give you some valuable EFA's...