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P&B Questions?
BrettyBoy Views: 876
Published: 21 y

P&B Questions?

Hi everyone,

I've never posted anything on a forum before having to do with my health but everyone else I've read seems pretty open so, what the hell.
In the past I've found blood in my BM, not thinkiing it's normal but having a fear of doctors, like most men do, I thought it was just due to spicy foods which i tend to enjoy when the mood hits, but my stomach really bothered me.
It went away but recentley came back a few days ago, again I have been eating spicy foods, but this time the bleeding has continued, so i know it's not the foods but something more. I got on to this forum about aweek ago and researched the P & B shakes, I went out and bought some some Psyllium husk, an Bentonite and have just recently started them a few days ago. Nothing yet in terms of mucoid plaque but i'm early in the game so i understand it may take a little bit. My question to anyone is a 2 part one.
One, Am I doing the right cleanse for my condition before i go to my doctors? or should i be on The Master Cleanse instead? Or both?
Two, does anyone have a good recipe for these @#$%^# shakes? They taste awful and are hard to choke down.

I'm keeping to a regular diet consisting of fruits, vegetables soups and salads, with light dinners in the evening, i take the shakes when i get up and when i go to bed, i 'll be taking more starting soon.

Please if anyone can answer my questions, it would help greatly. I'll keep you all posted when the black devil rears his ugly head from my butt! Thanks.



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