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To Madie> Happy holidays to you too!!!!!!!!!!
Robbie Views: 988
Published: 21 y
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To Madie> Happy holidays to you too!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Madie,
I haven't read your previous post a few pages ago but I will in a bit. Been kinda busy, have been having some good energy so I am happy about that. I would like to know about the oxygen elements you take. I wonder if I could take that with Colosan considering they are both oxygen based products? What harm could it be? I hope not a overload! "LOL" I am also interested in the CQ10. I have taken this in the past per a naturopath I was seeing but it got quite expensive and I didn't take it long enough to see it acually working.
I will be taking some chinese bitters (liver purging herbs), B-Complex, vitamin C and Catalyn multi vitamins from standard process as they are a wholefood vitamin source along with my Adrenal rebuilders and I think I will add some dulse leaf or kelp for my thyroid. I have been checking my tempeture lately and have low body temp per wilson's thyroid syndrome protocol so I am hoping those products above will give me some relief.
well I hope you are and will have a wonderful christmas and a very happy new year and dont worry about those parasites!"LOL" Just take yourself some garlic cloves to eat every now and then. You may smell like garlic, but at least if there are any vampires around you trying to be inconspiquist(sp?), they will flee! "Lot & Lots of Laughs"
Take care & God bless you and your family,

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