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Re: Please help me think about some decisions!!!
godservant Views: 1,754
Published: 19 y
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Re: Please help me think about some decisions!!!

Just my opinion, I'm for circumcision, but in your case it will be a painful process to endure unless there's a risk of infection. #1, you have to be happy and comfortable in your own skin before anyone else can be comfortable with you. Your insecurity about your body and yourself in general will affect any relationship you get into because it will be hard for you to accept anyone's affection. #2, Wait for the right person. Virtuosity is so hard to find nowdays and the right person who loves you for who you are, unconditionally and won't care if your circumcized or not is out there. Don't be in a rush. If you can condure up enough self-control to wait until marriage, it will make that moment so much more special and meaningful for both of you and then you can tell your new bride that you were keeping yourself especially for her before you even new her. How romantic is that? Find other things to occupy your mind with. There must be other things your interested in? Get involved in clubs, sports, school. A "woman" will show much more respect to a man who is sensitive, patient and respectful of himself and the opposite sex, who is mindful of his own body and the body of a beautiful woman and is interested more in knowing a person than "knowing a person". You have a better chance of knowing who the right person is if you get to know women before "getting to know" women. Don't let your desire affect the way you see the opposite sex. They are devine creatures who God designed to be attractive to a male so that the male will want to develope that special bond with them to not just satisfy them sexually, but complete them spiritually. Take your time and savour the essence of the opposite sex, not just the dimensions. Just my thought.


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