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There are Two Sides
omaha49 Views: 1,172
Published: 21 y

There are Two Sides

Like many of those in the uncircumcised minority. I've heard a lot on the subject over the years.

I grew up in a rural area of the Northeast; circumcision was just about routine by the time I was born in 1949, but my parents passed on it (in part due to a stubborn anti-Semitisim on my father's side of the family in which, I'm glad to say, I took no interest).

As one of, if I remember correctly, three uncut males in a high school class of about 125 (the other two were a member of a religious sect and a European immigrant), I took a fair amount of ribbing, but I had no interest in changing things, having undergone surgery for an unrelated condition a few years before.

When I left for college at a major university, the attitudes changed, for the better. The dumb-bullying element was gone, and the people who mentioned it in the inevitable "bull sessions" often appeared to suggest I had a bit of an advantage. I was never much of a "swinger" in those times, but the condition did put an extra joker in the deck when things started to get serious. I never dated a Jewish girlfriend who could have raised religious objections.

I'm 55 now, and have definitely noticed a change over the last couple of years. Things are starting to shrink, and my foreskin retracts much more easily than it did at 20; the glans is as sensitive as ever. And I have to be more careful when retracting it while standing at a urinal; I definitely spray more like a "shotgun" than a "rifle" these days.

A few years ago, I became acquainted with an Asian (Filipino) family emigrating to the west as a group. The girls have enthusiastically agreed to circumcising the two sons the've borne so far. One of them went back overseas to get married, then returned with her new spouse. I haven't asked yet whether she's tried to talk him into "making the cut".


Like many of thise in the uncircumcised minority. I've heard a lot on the subject over the years.

I grew up in a rural area of the Northeast; circumcision was just about routine by the time I was born in 1949, but my parents passed on it (in part due to a stubborn anti-Semitisim on my father's side of the family in which, I'm glad to say, I took no interest).

As one of, if I remember correctly, three uncut males in a high school class of about 125 males (the other two were a member of a religious sect and a European immigrant), I took a fair amount of bullying, but I had no interest in changing things, having undergone surgery for an unrelated condition a few years before.

When I left for college at a major university, the attitudes changed, for the better. The dumb-bullying element was gone, and the people who mentioned it in the inevitable "bull sessions" often appeared to suggest I had a bit of an advantage. I was never much of a "swinger" in those times, but the condition did put an extra joker in the deck when things started to get serious. I never dated a Jewish girlfriend who could have raised religious objections.

I'm 55 now, and have definitely noticed a change over the last couple of years. Things are starting to shrink, and my foreskin retracts much more easily than it did at 20; the glans is as sensitive as ever. And I have to be more careful when retracting it while standing at a urinal; I definitely spray more like a "shotgun" than a "rifle" these days.

A few years ago, I became acquainted with an Asian (Filipino) family emigrating to the west as a group. The girls have enthusiastically agreed to circumcising the two sons the've borne so far. One of them went back overseas to get married, then returned with her new spouse. I haven't asked yet whether she's tried to talk him into "making the cut".


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