Re: Anyone care to explain this?
Nice try, Corinthian.....but let me teach you something.
Randomness is the essential mechanism of neo-darwinism. Since starting my investigation into this evolution nonsense about a year ago, I have not run across a known physical or chemical mechanism that is proven to generate heritable variations that will improve the adaptability of an organism or increase complexity. But the evolutoionists have chosen RANDOMNESS as a scientific mechanism to produce the variations they need. With this – along with natural selection -- they hope to deceive the masses into believing that the evolution of the world and the development of life was an Almighty accident. It’s nothing but an unholy hoax.
I must repeat. Neo-darwinists have completely rejected the concept of NON-randomness as a major feature variation. In this respect they actually differed from Darwin, who at first embraced chance – but later rejected it. But the thing is, without random mutations the Darwinists have no mechanism to offer for evolution. Natural selection, by itself is impotent without the little miracle of random mutations.
So let me ask you, Corinthian....what is the biological mechanism that darwinists would attribute this to. Body parts are not supposed to re-form in a matter of days or weeks.....according to them, it took "MILLIONS of years" for these fish to lose their site. Common sense says it should take the same amount of time to reform.
Also....are you telling me that if these fish were put back into the wild in a lighted area that it would take "millions of years" for the lens to evolve...yet only 8 days for the complex eye to evolve afterwards? Don't make me laugh!