I was on Primal Defense for 2 months and had the same chalkiness on my fingers( looks like dry skin) It intensified as I upped my dose. I also had a bad hameorhoid flare, so I stopped Primal Defense. If the die off lasts this long, do you think it is wise to stay on it? My naturalistic practitioner also said it was die off. I dont mind going thorugh the chalky hands, but the haemorhoid is a nightmare! If this product is so strong at killing yeast I would like to stay on it. It was helping my stomach and stools greatly. Has nay one else had long die off symptoms from this product? If so, were they resolved over time? Thanks.
I was on Primal Defense for 2 months and had the same chalkiness on my fingers( looks like dry skin) It intensified as I upped my dose. I also had a bad hameorhoid flare, so I stopped Primal Defense. If the die off lasts this long, do you think it is wise to saty on it? My naturalistic practitioner also said it was die off. I dont mind going thorugh the chalky hands, but the haemorhoid is a nightmare! If this product is so strong at killing yeast I would like to sat on it. It was helping my stomach and stools greatly.