Yes the bile is pea green in colour.I have done 17 flushes now and have 80% recovered from ME[CFS].My 'stones' have a skin of brownish cream colour and are pea green inside, some are harder than others although some are crumbly and all can be squashed with the fingers. I have not expelled any calcified stones. Also the stones from the middle flushes had had pink liver fluke wraped up inside them. I was able to identify them from slides I made from the dead fluke. Stones are made from bilerubin and chloresterol. If you are ill try it and see. Stones are definately not emulsified citrus juice and oil. Every flush produces a different result, although I have followed the Dr Clark protocol to the letter each time.It is the only treatment that has worked for me after 20 years of thousands of pounds spent on different therapys. Love and Light Deotima.