20 y
Re: Allahu Akbar
Christ is alive in Heaven. God raised him, to protect him from the Jews and the Romans. The Jews wanted to kill him, but God spared his servant and brought him near.
Christ will return and its the Muslims who will embrace him, may peace and the blessings of God Almighty be upon him.
In Islam we believe in ONE GOD, and many prophets, so we believe in Muhammad, Noah, Moses, Abraham, David, Jacob, Issaq, Lot, Jesus, may Peace be Upon them ALL.
But the Pen has written that most will not believe, but will follow their own desires, worship their own gods, and most are in a trail of devastating destruction. They lie to the one who created them, they bow down and worship what their fathers worshipped without using the intellect God gave them. They deny God and therefor on the day they die and meet their end..... God will too deny them.