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Blue Stone Views: 2,612
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 411,274


"Personally, I would rather be a part of a church of something...rather than a church of nothing"

Sorry, didn't mean to rattle you.

Actually the post was meant as a joke. I assume even *your* god has a sense of humour?
Well some christians god do.

I can't comment too much on new age philosophies because there are as many of them as there are christian ones...all thinking that *they* have the only answer.

"No God, no forgiveness, no eternal life, no hope, no heaven. Sad...very, very sad~!"

From the "new age" mentality that I have come across, your staments are false. They just use the terms in a different sense. God to may of them is everything (not a dictator who says love me or else as in christian dogma) Eternal life is ongoing, not a prize at the end of one life. Heaven is something you create in any moment with your thinking and thus you create youyr reality (either heaven or hell)...and out of that comes greater hope than any biblical dogma because it puts you in the driver's seat of your own being. Forgiveness, is a huge tennent of most "new age" philosophies.


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