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Great reasoning izumrud
bringasmilesara Views: 1,545
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 411,181

Great reasoning izumrud

I wasn't catholic, I was raised in the Bible Belt where all the points you were saying were taken to the extreme. Yes a balance is necessary. But most of the people I witness as of late did not tell others about God's love AS WELL AS the Inventory to come, and our eternal destination. So I agree that while it is important to remember God's embodiement of being Holy (set-apart)and convey that to our frineds of other religions, it is also EQUALLY IMPORTANT to presuppose that with His love, and the reason he judges is because he WANTS no one to choose the way of death and destruction, but he won't force them to , because that is the epitome of love. For what is love without a true choice?

I also think that it takes all of the Body of Christ, as each of us has our own individual experiences and 'charis', and often times they will differ on points, but so will the hearts of those God brings into the path of each of us. So ultimately, if you have an open heart to God, and ask him for wisdom and guidance. I believe God will put the exact right message on our hearts for the person he brings across our path to share his love with.

I must go on haitus(sp) for a while. I am having some personal issues that must be sorted out. If you'd like to respond, I would be glad to check my email, but I have taken myself out of the forums. As for me, they have a tendency to represent something I was struggling with a long time ago, that God is now bringing to my memory that I must take the time to heal/and be healed in order to be more fully present. Thank you for your thoughtful reply.


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