it is the young people who are the most hurt by christianity today. they dont know what to think. but they certainly can tell a fake from the real thing. this is a tragedy of monumantal purportions. but encouraging their hatred of those who have done these things to them is not helping them in the least. it just sets up another dysfunction.
the site reminds me of other victim support facilities, where they get their ya-yas out bashing the perps(duh, their bad) and never move much beyond that except to use them for an excuse for every bad decision they make the rest of their lives. not particularly helpful. and though the majority of the observations i read there are dead on, it is people that are the problem, not god. i can only hope that once they get over being deceived, they can begin anew with their search for the truth which, if they are sincere, will lead to the true god whos word is contained in the scriptures. there is warning about harming children the way the "church" has done. the price will be awful indeed. "vengeance is mine, saith the lord".