thanks so much/ right on time for me.
personal areas/ i don't think fit in with religious debate /but rather telekinetic abilities
tie in here strongly for me.
today i saw a return of my telekinetic abilites that i have nto been exercising since hte bad circumstances.
i was reminded of things i used to do and have the proofs of..
eye witnesses etc. and items still retained by me,
and i jstu decided to day i was taking back that area of my life..
and i did.
with no hesitation .. like riding a bike 8)
my kids came downstiars and aske hwo di di do that,?
and i said i just decided to do it and i did 8)
(i won't go into details here) not proper forum in know. )
i am jstu saying that the post above, reflects back to me/
that we can achieve anything
as long as the mind is open to that reality of self.
i had forgotten that part of my self thru these years,
and i feel like i am returning aspects of me thati had percieved as gone..
by stayign focused on choosing my path of reality
and on my path i choose to see that nothing is beyond my grasp
it is good to feel myself identiy returning..
i will file this post also /
it is a very good remminder..
that we are the creators of our own realities
Ami Joi Benton