A golden bridge I saw in a dream once
I was a fundie then I found this amazing being in the Bible(Yahshua-Jesus), this loving awesome God in my prayers, and then one day I woke up and realized that this loving God was not angry with me at all and that God loved everyone who borrowed a soul for their journey to this world.... When I believed all of the fundie' judgemental beliefs about people, I kept falling into a trap of judging others that I didn't even know. The more I learn about other people the less I can judge them. I see my fundie friends on one side of the fence and they perceive that everyone else is on the other side but I just don't see the world that way any more. I woke up in a new place and now I find myself without a church but the one the Holy Spirit planted in me when I came up from my water-baptism in that old school fire and brimstone church I grew up in. I still believe but I don't belong. That old-school fundie church gave me a gift I would never give back(Jesus Christ) but their doctines of racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobic nationalism were straight from the pits of hell. I have learned to shake off the part that is not from a God who is unconditional love but I am still a work in progress.
I think one of my worst personal attributes is judging fundies too harshly. Fundie Christian Charities probably do more good than harm and I believe that fundie Christians are the most giving people on the planet. Fundies don't just give to their own kind but give to everyone and even if they are doing it to prostelize them it still works out as giving. Charity is somewhat of a Christian staple. When someone is doing good, acknowledge it. What I don't like about the fundie churches that I regularly attend is the way they start off praising God with song but ruin it when they start preaching. I love modern Christian music and I believe 90% of the music I hear on Christian stations blesses God but about 50% of the preaching has nothing to do with glorifying God. I try not to forsake assembling together with others to praise God but when I walk in on a gay , muslim, homosexual, homeless bashing sermon I just barely can wait to find my way to the front door and never return.
I still believe and I will never forsake those beliefs(Peter said the same thing) because God will never leave me nor forsake me. I have believed for a long time now that God will reconcile all things to love. All that said, some days I find that some of my non-christian brothers and sisters often seem to have more of the spirit of Christ in them than some of my my brothers and sisters who claim to be Christians.
I had a dream once about a golden bridge. It was a dream of where I was coming from and where I was going to. There is a bridge between non-christians and christians and it is called love. I pray that we all, my christian and non-christian brothers and sisters, find that bridge...that bridge that stands in the gap between us and God.