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Owen's Affirmations: Group #20
Owen Views: 2,066
Published: 19 y

Owen's Affirmations: Group #20

"I am happy, contented, and fulfilled. My life
has meaning and purpose. I feel connected to
God. Other people respect me and love me. I
feel safe and secure at all times."
-------------------- Deepak Chopra --------

"Within me is a stillness and a sanctuary to
which I can retreat at any time and be myself;
a place where everything is alright."
------------------ Hermann Hesse ------------

"Certain is the death of that which is born, and certain is the birth of that which dies."
------------------ Gita ------------------

"I will die without complaint, with deep gratitude, because Life has given me so much, and death is simply the ultimate height of all that I have lived."
----------------------- Osho --------------

"My life is perfectly crafted in deep beauty. Every bit of selfishness has been carved away. All that I think, feel, say, and do, are in harmony."
------------------ Eknath Easwaran -----------

"I am always at a particular stage of spiritual ripening. My happiness consists of greeting this stage, even when it is painful, knowing that time turns all wheels, and the next stage is always approaching."
---------------- John Tarrant --------------

"All my channels are open, open, open, completely open. I have no energy blockages in my body. All my pains and aches are gone. I am completely healed."
-------------- Master Chunyi Li ------------




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