Hello, we have not talked before but I really want to tell you how nice your website has been to me. All my life I've struggled with myself because I've been different. I wasnt the outgoing, perky kind of person who had tons of friends and could talk to anyone. I've always enjoyed being alone and I felt this was a fault I had to overcome. Being around other people who were different than me(almost everyone)gave me anxiety and made me feel very uncomfortable. I wished that I could just be dumb and not think because I thought that would make life easier and I wouldnt have to worry so much. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to know that there is another out there who feels the same as I do and completely accepts themself for it. I now love and accept myself but I do still feel a bit weird and out of place in this world and wonder if there could ever be anyone else who felt like me and was truly happy. Knowing that there is someone helps me to see that there is nothing wrong with me and I don't need to fit in with this society to feel happy and whole. So thank you Owen for sharing your feelings with us. You truly are an inspiration.