Owen's Affirmations: Group #3
"My soul is like an infinite mandala, extending in all directions. My Body of Light
is a kaleidoscope of beautifully intricate
patterns of color, hypnotic graceful motions,
and seed-syllable sounds, all of which are
melting into and out of one another, and
extending forever in all directions."
---------------- James Robbins ---------
"I have the ability to transform any emergency
into an Emerge-n-See experience."
"My DNA has learned how to repair itself. It can sense exactly what kind of damage has occurred, and, via special enzymes, the appropriate missing links are spliced back into place."
---------------- Deepak Chopra ------------
"I have the ability to dissolve my fixed boundaries, and expand into, and merge with,
those things (beings) that I normally see as
other, by consciously generating feelings of
love, compassion, and universal oneness."
-------------- Belleruth Naparstek --------
"I forgive all the people who have ever hurt
me, because I know what they did was initiated
by their own pain."
"All my doubts and fears have vanished because
I receive guidance from the Divine Being within me. I no longer feel a need to validate
my path, my way of life. Inner Light has infused my heart with an unshakeable conviction, which has become the source of my
-------------- Swami Rama --------------
"I render every thought into a flower, worthy
to be held in God's fingers. I render every deed into a fruit, full of the sweet juice of
love,fit to be placed in His hand."
----------------- Sai Baba -----------------