Re: the new world religion
Rick Warren is way off base, the church should not be a man-made "collective"/institution. Each member is a member of the Lord's Body and is united SPIRITUALLY in the BODY of Jesus. Neither should we be EXACTLY like minded as though we are manufactured products stamped out of the same mold. The biggest problem with the institutional church today is that it is becoming increasingly POLITICALLY correct instead of SOCIALLY correct (caring about people as individuals, not political units). When people are thought of as "political units" instead of living, breathing human beings, it is DEHUMANIZING (you take away their humanity). This can very CLEARLY be seen as being in opposition to what Christ taught in The Sermon on The Mount (Matthew 5). For the most part, in the last few generations, the concept of CONSCIENCE has disappeared from society altogether and has been exchanged for the pursuit of STATUS (using commerce and technology as objectives). Christianity has not made a habit out of actually SEEING what is clearly written. Adam and Eve did not eat of the tree of good and evil, they ate of the tree of the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil (the tree of CONSCIENCE), nor did they eat of the tree of a "COLLECTIVE", or the tree of "political correctness", or the tree of an "INSTITUTION".
In scripture, there are many names used for God in particular situations (Jehovah, Elohim, etc.) in order to emphasize certain qualities of God, but His name in ALL situations ("FOREVER") is "I am who I am", Exodus 3:14). Each of us, being made in the image of The Lord, can only truly experience the joy of life by knowing who we are and firmly establishing a CONSCIENCE, NOT a collective.
When the Holy spirit succeeds in teaching the person who is truly willing to listen and learn (and hear GOD'S word instead of the words of the scholar's and commentaries), we will learn that right and wrong (good and evil) are the only two choices in morality (not naughty, naughtier, naughtiest, etc.). We will learn to DIVIDE morality in two (as a sword would divide) so that the change from good to evil is CLEAR and sudden, there is no middle ground between the two (no shadow or variation due to change, James 1:17). After all, The Lord did not come to bring peace on earth so that everyone could continue to do whatever they want regardless of it's merit/morality, He came to create/teach a DIVISION between right and wrong.
We are not COMMANDED to love God (it would be impossible even if we were). Mark 12:30 is a command to love God in a certain way (method). TRUE love can only be freely given. The command is that we should love Him WITHOUT FEAR. 1 John 4:18 says that a Christian's love should be perfected and not include fear. In Isaiah 29:13, God speaks of the people who honor Him with their lips and says of them that their fear of Him is a commandment of men.
Did it ever seem strange that, since "God is love", the logical reaction of Christianity should be to make a habit out of studying 1 Corinthians 13 (the LOVE chapter)? THERE IS VERY CLEARLY SOMETHING WRONG HERE.
Yes, yes, yes, there certainly is.
The god of confusion has successfully blinded all of humanity (including Christianity, or is it the "strong delusion" of 2 Thessalonians 2 ?).
Love is not simply an "emotion" (or at least shouldn't be to the Christian), it is a SENTIMENT that produces SORROW for those who suffer the consequences of evil.
There is much more to know about God than the institutions of Christianity teach. We are to LIVE BY every word that presently proceeds out of the MOUTH of God and HEAR (not read) what the word of God is (sword of the spirit, Ephesians 6:17),but we would never know that unless we read the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15 and Ephesians 1:13, you know who the truth is, John 14:6).
ALL VERSES ARE FROM THE Revised Standard Version.
"...the world was created by the word of God", Hebrews 11:3
" abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments", Ephesians 2:15
"Therefore, let us LEAVE the elementary doctrine of Christ and move on to MATURITY", Hebrews 6:1
"Solid food is for the MATURE, for those who have their faculties trained by practice to distinguish between GOOD AND EVIL" Hebrews 5:14
When we first come to Christ, we still think in wordly ways and are still "...MEN OF THE FLESH, as babes in Christ", 1 Corinthians 3:1. We need to develop eyes to see and ears to hear in order to discover the "...DEPTHS of God" 1 Corinthians 2:10.
Leave Rick Warren to himself. When you mentioned a "new world religion", are you also waiting for the antichrist to reveal it? I think he's starting with Rick Warren.