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I think all those faith preachers are a mob!
  Views: 926
Published: 18 y

I think all those faith preachers are a mob!

It's as though they all get together and do tranining courses how to pimp the gullible masses. Messages are pretty much the same; prosperity, seed sowing, overflow. Techniques are similar too. Lots of pressure, guilt trips.
I know for a fact that Duplantis is a friend of Copeland's. And they say...tell me who you friends are, and I'll tell you who you are...
My spouse worked for Duplantis for several years, and I met him in person. He is very smooth and funny. But I was always distrustful of Duplantis (especially after seeing his tape about him visiting heaven)..
We saw one of his sermons recently. It was pure milking $ prosperity message mixed with jokes.
I was sickened to see how many people are so blind to their machinations.
my 2 cents...

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