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Jews, Muslims equal population in USA.
nordskoven Views: 2,135
Published: 20 y

Jews, Muslims equal population in USA.

Jews number about 5 million, Muslims about 5-8 million in America. In a democracy, could Jews be "voted to death" by Islam? Muslims conquered Europe with babies, not bullets. Europe's "Christians" contracepted and aborted themselves to death, then they invited Muslim "guest workers" in to do the jobs.

America is at below population replacement rate, a dying land like Europe, ready to be outvoted by those who have babies--Muslims. Is there a Christian duty to marry and have a family? Culture walks on two legs. No babies, no future. What do you think?

Margaret Sanger was a racist who targeted Jewish and Christian immigrants with her Planned Parenthood movement, hoping to eradicate all brown-eyed races. Now contraception and abortion are practised by Jewish and Christian America to the point where we don't have the numbers to insure our survival into the future, let alone withstand the population pressure from Muslims who have large families. Can we survive or will we become another burning land like France?


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