Re: Last night 'TRADING SPOUSES'
I never actually saw the show, but I now know enough about it to understand that it's not about wife swapping (at least society hasn't degraded so much as to put it on t.v.). I have too much experience with people not to realize how much courage it takes to make a habit out of debate (and risk running into a "pack of wolves"), and also realize the HUMILITY (a blessing in itself) required to seek out the OPINIONS (not ADVICE, NEVER 'advice', the Lord wants YOU, not a copy of someone else,...PERSONAL relationship) of seasoned brethren (humility is in the RECOGNITION of the POSSIBILITY that others can have useful information to share with you). Many members of the Body of Christ have different gifts and are only "like minded" in the objective to glorify Christ but do not share the ability to debate nor do they have the same interest as you to LEARN about people (the god of confusion, encourages people to resist the truth, not just about Christ, the truth about everything in life).
I think that we have to remember that reality shows are meant to be sensational and will tend to portray an EXAGGERATED reality. Since I never saw the show, I can only assume that the debates/discussions are staged (set up) and don't represent real life situations. Don't learn too much from the debating done on the show, it's probably all SHOWMANSHIP.