Re: Good morning all. James 5:15 "Prayer of faith..."
Good morning to you and all my brothers and sisters out there,
I'm headed off to volunteer as I do it 2x week.
I appreciate the welcome and perhaps this will be a great healing spot for me too. I will post more of my testimony/battle later that has held me back for years and years. I'm planning on God redeeming the time and came to know the Lord because of the battle. I understand the Battle belongs to the Lord of course, but when in the battle it's not always easy to remember that.
You all may be the place where I can share unconditionally. Even though I am very connected to my church can't feel comfortable enough to reveal what I am going to share with you all here. I am not saying they are going to judge me, but embarrassment still pervails and when people don't understand, they are sometimes quick to judge, instead of pray for us. Tune in for more later today.
God bless you.
Thanks again for the welcome. I wanted to change my username here but not sure how to. Thinking I am still who I am but keep from some of the identity or shame.
Anyone know how to change the username? I will be cgee then.
I will let everyone know if I succeed in the username change.
God bless you all.