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Re: Not all Dentists trying to harm you
Blueduck Views: 1,555
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 40,140

Re: Not all Dentists trying to harm you

I believe that they DO know and that they do not care.

Most of the dentist I used to see....(Key word is used to) seemed very nice. Now I know that they put poison in my mouth. That is not very nice is it ? They smiled all the time, took my money, and put mercury in my mouth. They smiled more and then they told me I needed root canals. They explained the procedure to me. They lied about it being safe. They got my money, I got a mouth full of metal.I got root canals. I did not know any better until I came here and started learning. The best thing I can say about dentists is that I no longer go to them. They got ahold of me when I was young, of course. Now I am old and wiser about things that dentists do, all the time, every people that know no better than to let them. I got wiser by reading here at Curezone and reading some books about the real truth of dentistry.

root canals allow bacteria to form. It grows. Nothing can kill it. No root canal is good, no matter what your age is.

Read some books on this and you will see.

Hope you do not get any root canals and I hope that you did not get Amalgam fillings too.





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