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I am very sick :(
Zule Views: 1,399
Published: 21 y

I am very sick :(

I have not been able to work today.

My throat is all red and it hurts and hurts. Somtimes it feels like I have knife in my tonsil.

I think I have had fever.

I do not know what to do. It has been going on for months.
I have not been able to heal.Maybe ot is because I have no peace in my apartment.

I have no home, no health. I have been thinking to give up my PhD and just go back to my Country. At least I will be able to go to the Doctor and see how can I be healed.

I just do not know what do to. I have tried everything I can.

I feel very worried I cannnot work and my adviser is expecting some progress in my dissertation..

I have been so sad, I am not sad anymore. Just like insensitive. Too tired to do anything.

Just venting





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