Re: endocal/biocalex european style non toxic root canals
I have read a little about Biocalex/Endocal 10. It sounds promising on all the holistic/biological dentist and wellness websites such as,, etc. However, I did come across a research article from the Journal of Endodontics which shows a significant downside which is not mentioned on any of the afformentioned websites. The downside is that 3 of 15 teeth filled with Endocal 10 were found to be fractured after 7 days of set time. You can read for yourself this piece of information that is conveniently ommitted by the biological dentists. Then make up your own mind what you want to go with.
Here is how you can get to the full research article, complete with photographs of fractured teeth:
Go to and type in "Endocal" in the search box. You should find the following article:
The Properties of Endocal 10 and Its Potential Impact on the Structural Integrity of the Root.
Journal of Endodontics. 30(3):159-162, March 2004.
Goldberg, Robert A. DDS; Kuttler, Sergio DDS; Dorn, Samuel O. DDS
It's a fairly straightforward study as far as I can tell, and the results are really damning. I don't think there is much that one can refute with this study.
I find it amusing that the alternative/holistic/biological websites claim that there is large scale
root canal "cover-up" yet they apparently do not find it appealing to "uncover" the actual research results that contradict their advice.