Re: TLC's "What Not to Wear"-- love it!
Yeah, that is a great show! When I get around a TV I like to watch that show. It's funny, entertaining, and informative, too.
Although sometimes I think they are too unrealistic for people's lifestyles. I mean, here they are buying clothing that is WAY more expensive than that person will ever buy again (in many cases). And they want people to dress up a lot, and some people just don't do that. They had one woman who was a WAITRESS at a BARBEQUE restaurant to buy this WHITE DRESS SUIT - for work! Please. I mean, it's great to have a chance of a lifetime to own better, more expensive, top-quality clothing than the person could usually afford, but at the same time, teaching them to buy things that cost $300 and $500.... quite a few of those people can not afford that. I wonder what it's like when they go shopping on their own, a year or two later.
Anyway, that's just speculation on my part, it's a great show, like I said.
I recently saw 2 episodes of the show "Big World, Little People" (or was it "Little People, Big World?") and I thought that was a great show, too. Very upbeat, and I found the dwarf family so sweet and amazing! Shows like that make me wish I had TV.