You know it's easy for me to say now
as I'm here on day 15 how "easy" it is. The truth is, it's not easy -- it takes work, determination, and above all willpower. When I started the cleanse, I was toxic. Literally, I was bloated, hypoglycemic (eat, sweat, shake, eat, sweat, shake, repeat). I started this cleanse to clear out my toxic system -- I, like you, was on a downward spiral...and drinking up to 750ML of wine a night. I was beyond hope -- or so I thought.
You have to want to do this for YOU, and a chance to allow your body to recover from whatever ails you. I am so thrilled not to have had a
Sugar episode in 15 days and even more thrilled to have lost 17 pounds. I'm thinking clearly now that the fog has lifted, and sleeping better. Yet, one of the biggest benefits is I have more energy. I'm no longer bogged down to the chains of those carbs and sugars that were making me tired and depressed.
And while you may be scared to start the fast, I am afraid to come off of it. Afraid I will never feel this good again. But all I can do is take it a day at a time, and keep this experience close to my heart.
Think about it -- I'm confident you will see much improvement if you give it a go.