First the luncheon that I forced myself through drinking water, and then my son! He was awarded student of the month at school today and begged if we could go to In-N-Out Burger (since he's been come eating healthy meals for the last 14 days). What's a mom to do -- I couldn't say no! He worked so hard for that award, and this is what he wanted. So there I sit among the burgers and fries and I was "SOCLOSE" -- but I didn't. I just kept reminding myself of the pounds I lost, and how much better I would feel.
So ya know what I did? I went out and bought a new bathing suit! Size 14 (down from a 16). That made me feel better about not dipping into those fries. It sure is a killer on the bank account though! LOL
You'll find yourself stuck in difficult situations, and you'll want to eat or binge. But whatever you do, do not take the first bite unless it's something healthy you want in your body.