Re: How to remove black stains from teeth?
electravan, you were brave even anonymous awaiting feedback on such admission.
I've read in spurts wondering if the public unravels as I have.
You've given an organized name to what my husband stares at in dismay: is it all the dandelions I eat periodically that makes me alnost reqire a new type of water pic to get rid of the weeds look of my incisors but it can't be dismissed as such.
Actinomyces sp. bacterium -- I've now been given spokes on what is to be talked about. The one disturbance I found is that mucus should be protective... which has always been touted as counterproductive by some raw authors. I knew zero wasn't my aim when it was needed for some discharges but... I have no formula.
I thought I'd re-review interviews with a questionnaire surveying also teeth struggles on this disciplined food plan, to see what was missing for those that said that that was a mess for awhile, whether a correlation comes with no no grains or categorizatuons that then might make us chase other maintenances.