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Re: Day 1: Do you at some point stop thinking about what you are going to eat?

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Ceeeeez Views: 945
Published: 21 y
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Re: Day 1: Do you at some point stop thinking about what you are going to eat?

Day 7 here... and NO, I still think about food all the time.

Of course I am doing a much reduced version of the Master-Cleanse because I'm really trying to cleanse and lose weight at the same time. 11 pounds so far as of this morning. I'm doing 1/2 the syrup and only 5 glasses of lemonade. I do the tea AM/PM (because the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) was horrible to force down and it took 2 hrs to get it all out again).

But I still think about food alot. Yesterday I spent 2 hrs fighting off the urge to eat an entire bag of BBQ Potato Chips someone left at my house from recent party. If you get hungry drinking more lemonade does help- but for me it's kinda unsatisfying because it's mostly just lemons and water. I've cut the syrup so thin (sometimes only 1/2 a TBSP per glass) that it's almost not there at all. Alot of the hunger is psychological... but that doesn't make it any easier.

I could make it easier on myself by just drinking the proper mixture but I'm stubborn. :)



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