Okay, this is probably going to upset the majority ;)
but if you have an aversion to salt (as many people do) then the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) is not for you -- just as it is NOT for me. The
Master-Cleanse books says that if you don't do the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) to do the lax tea day and night.
I did the tea AM/PM for 9 days. Today I thought I'd give the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) a go to clean out anything that was lingering behind. I took it at 4:30 this morning, and had NO relief. I was in misery all day -- didn't go outside, didn't do anything besides try to move nature along (cleaned the house, garage, played with my son) and drank lots of water -- all within short distance of the restroom.
At 1:00 I couldn't take it anymore, so I made myself of SM tea (steeped about 10 minutes)and drank that.
I just got relief at 6:30 tonight. Very painful cramping, with quite a bit of elimination. I know this is from the SM Tea and not the SWF.
So if you're not getting relief with the SWF, go with the book and take the tea morning and night. You should have relief in the morning and again sometime during the day.
I'm going for day 11 tomorrow -- with my eye on 15 -- total goal 21 days (we'll see).
Good luck!