on kids, they ususally do an apicoectomy, which is essentially a root canal, for all intents and purposes. it is pretty common. it will have bacteria in it that the immune system will have to fight. if this kid has crowns that are porcelain over metal, they would contain nickel, which is a cancer causing agent. the crowns most likely contain aluminum-type fibers, and they probably have endocrine disruptors like BIS-GMA (biosphenol-A). those give off estrogen and are said to contribute to fertility, hormone, and prostate problems in males. if the child also has mercury fillings, it would be quite a toxic load to deal with. children can be very affected by toxic dental work that non-biologic dentists do because their immune systems are not strong like an adult. if a child has many toxins he is battling, it lowers the immune system and he can get cavities. it is our immune systems that guard against cavities. that is how ppl end up with a mouthful of mercury fillings. they get a couple fillings and it lowers the immune system, and they get more cavities and more mercury fillings, and so on.