Hi everyone,
I'm coming to the end of day ten and I'm announcing that i'm clean and mean and calling it a day. Actually, i nearly threw up in the Happy Shopper and realized it was time to quit. I've found it tougher than last year energy-wise, less drastic elimination-wise - though more prolific (i've been a-roping since Tuesday....) but the same in terms of ooo look at my skin my hair my incredible ability to go a day without coffee...
So thanks for all the advice support and humour - especially from the level-headed and thorough em (where did she go?? Maybe she finished...) and the lovely Melanie.
Good luck everyone else - I'll surf through occassionally cos it's hard giving up this board isn't it??
And I'll be back next year for my annual spring clean.
Best wishes and ciao for now,
Anya xx